Boy playing in water

 This artwork helped to overcome the fear
Before making this art piece I was kind of phobic towards minute detailing over my drawings, It created nervousness in me that trying to copy the each and every detail may spoil my work. Before I also felt that it is a kind of boring job because it takes hours and hours to copy each and every line as it is, still I leave some lines. So to come over this boredom I started find a way and one I got and Idea, I found it on newspaper's amazing facts section it was written that "Listening to music while working gives good results" and I tried it once and the results were positive. Even many of the people are there who listen to music while working some students also do their homework while listening to silent music.So I made a playlist of my favourite songs.
   The reference image was taken from Pinterest.  I had that picture from a year but when i downloaded it and saw the minute detailing I got worried that I'm I able to do it, and I left that image didn't even tried to start drawing it. After one year I found the motivation while watching a video of an artist's artwork, that artwork was incredible I never expected that one could do such detailing work in an artwork and only with the pencil. That artist inspired me to do the drawings any time it may take. So I started the drawing with the rough sketch and then giving a light grey watercolour wash.
Then started to darken the shadow areas and leaving the shiny areas blank while I was colouring it I was not getting the feel that I'm doing it right but I continued and at last I was shocked to see the results. the water was so realistic that I didn't even expected to be. The painting took 4 days working for average 2 hours or 3 hours daily.
  From these experience I learned a new thing that never leave a painting or drawing incomplete if  you feel that any effect is not looking as you wanted it to be. And if you don't want to take risk and waste your time just use the mirror, whenever you look at the results of the effect just see the artwork in the mirror and automatically you will see the mistakes there.

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